I have been acquainted with this secluded 42 acres since a teenager but it has only been the last few years that I have dug deep into it’s past as a armature woodland archaeologist and local historian.

Everywhere is to be seen the humps and bumps left by earlier inhabitants and I have set myself the task of making some sense of them.

It is not just the visible landscape changes that bring me into contact with the ‘lost tribes’ of the Wildwood, but the tantalising artefacts lying on the woodland floor awaiting a keen eye to rediscover them. These objects range from fossils, Stone Age tools and discarded pottery sherds, discarded some thousands of years ago with no thought that someone far in the future would show even the slightest interest in them.
It will be my pleasure as the months roll by to share some of my discoveries with you, and you will be surprised at what has survived from the lives our enigmatic ancestors.