As a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Turners it was my privilege to be involved in organising the Wizardry in Wood exhibition at the Carpenters Hall, London. This event is held every four years and showcases the very best of British craftsmanship, historical, traditional and contemporary.

To have exhibits from the Mary Rose, the first outside Portsmouth was a real coup, as was the exquisite 19th century turned ivory pieces by Holzapfel held by the Science Museum.
The competition entries were a breathtaking display of the top woodturning talent in the UK today. Twenty of the countries top artists and craftsmen were invited to exhibit in the main hall giving the visitors the opportunity to handle and discuss individual work.

Demonstrators also entertained and sometimes educated. Katie and Nick Abbott put on a great display and demonstration of their pole lathe and chair making and Robin Wood could be seen periodically turning bowls on his pole lathe. I also demonstrated an early form of turning, this time using my reconstruction of Leonardo da Vinci’s lathe, which he sketched c1480.
The Worshipful Company of Turners are to be congratulated in sponsoring this event and for their support of the craft.